Thursday, July 29, 2010

In hanging out around the bookstore on free time this afternoon, Jordan, Pete, and myself met another student, a guy probably my age or so, from French Settlement, LA. We struck up a conversation for a minute about the outrageous prices at the bookstore, and then we went on our ways. Well We ran into him again a few minutes later, before getting a smoothie in the union. So we continued talking. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure his name was Cory, so we will call him Cory. So in actually talking to Cory for ten minutes or so, I was imbued with a growing sense of disappointment, and a bit of discomprehension even. Today was the last full day of camp, and the day after I was nearly certain everyone's life had been refreshed and revitalized for the Lord. But in talking to Cory, I never picked up on any traces of that effect in him. Not once did I hear anything from him on camp itself, or the band, or the teaching, or anything. Indeed the only aspect of camp that Cory talked about, from when we ran into him to the time we left him, was the female students. Sure I am a teenage guy and I can't say I haven't taken notice of some of the girls here, but Cory's mindset blew me away. It was like Student Life camp for him was a concentration of young women for him to goof around with. I heard all about his "pickup lines" (which were laughably lame to boot) and was asked if I knew where all the hot UNT college girls were hiding. And there was much more that I just can't pinpoint. In hindsight, I truly wish I would have challenged Cory to rethink...everything about his camp experience. Instead I simply heard him out and tried to sneak into another topic when I could, simply because I was in too much disbelief that God could transform our group, as well as many, many other students, and that Cory could still be here ignoring what the heart and soul of Student Life is about, and was literally only concentrated on a wholly immature idea. Perhaps I'm missing something, but if being dumb and immature is what I'm missing, I am missing nothing. In fact I believe Cory was missing something so much more important. The God of the Universe and our time with Him this week. Please pray for Cory, that even though tomorrow is our final day here, that he would still not go without a realization, a revelation, a mental/spiritual slap in the face if you will. Well anyway, that's been on my mind, just wanted to get it out.

On a more positive note, even since we got here, in fact even since just a couple of days ago, our group has been brought together through our Lord and Savior like no one could have predicted. Our lives have been refueled, as has our faith. Ben Stuart has done a phenomenal job with his teaching, and our worship leaders, Tenth Avenue North, have provided a week of amazing praise to our King. At lunch today, Mike Donehey, the singer/guitar player sat with Erin and myself as well as two other people. Allow me to simply say that he is as much of an inspiration over pizza and corndogs as he is on a stage behind a microphone. He has been a blessing to us through his relationship with our Lord. I am proud as a Christian to call him (and the other guys in the band) my brother.

Well, we will be leaving hopefully soon after dismissal from worship tomorrow morning at 10.
Pray that we will have a safe and pleasant trip home. My heart is with all of you, we will see you soon.

- Caleb

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