Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday July 26th, 2010 - 11:11 PM

Hello again! Caleb here. So today is/was Day 1 of Student Life camp in Denton, TX. Something you may be wondering about, yes, so far I've been heading up this blog and am the only one posting as of now, but hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to hear from some of the other campers and leaders.
Well, I just got out of the shower and Pete Bentivegna, my roommate this week, has turned in for the night. Speaking of showers, ours are community here in the guys' dorm, but at least the showers are divided individually. ;) Still there's something about having random strangers taking showers next to you that makes things that much more unnerving. But on the plus side, it definitely hurries one's showering.
One thing about this campus at UNT that is a positive change is that its cafeteria experience is a much more enjoyable one than at last year's camp.
So much better in fact, that one is provided with ceramic plates rather than styrofoam, and a choice between Pizza/Pasta, "Home Cooking" or "Global Dining" food lines, rather than simply varying degrees of artificiality. We are wholly and truly spoiled.

This particular Student Life camp at Denton, TX happens to be the largest of all the camps that are put on throughout the summer. Last year at Cleveland, TN, there were between 800 and 900 kids attending. Here in Denton, that number is literally tripled. Yes indeed, there are over 2400 kids here attending. Last year we had worship in an auditorium. This year, the university's basketball arena. It is truly awe-inspiring to look around you at thousands of young people who are here for the same reason as you: to pursue a passion and renewed vigor for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Of course, this brings me to something that cannot be overlooked. It is the reason for and the soul of this camp. We registered about 12 hours ago, and in the time since, I can already feel our Lord's tug on my heart. So much has already come to bear, that I can only imagine what could take place over this upcoming week.

Extra Extra!

Special Story: At dinner, seating arrangements were slim, so me, Pete, and Mark ended up sharing a table with four girls from another group. They ranged in age from probably 12 to 14 or 15. I'm sure that they are good and God-fearing young women, but I can't help but say that they somewhat lived up to their ages' stereotype, unfortunately. Well, after some time, a truly awful thing happened. Mark and Pete got up and left the table. At the same time.
I was soon informed that I evidently remind the young ladies of a friend of theirs, as well as look like a "band dude," and as a result was asked if I played in a band. Furthermore, I look like a bass player....?
I was eventually saved by the return of malekind.

Something that I would like to mention finally, Tenth Avenue North provides astounding worship, and our speaker Ben Stuart is definitely a challenging and eye-opening teacher, but I must honestly applaud our group's leaders, Mr. Mark Richardson, Ms. Chelsea Miller, and Mrs. Pam Bentivegna. Our group is blessed to have such caring and devoted people to lead us and challenge us in our experiences here.

- Caleb


  1. Awesome! Can't wait to hear more! (Really, Caleb, I love reading your writing.) I'm excited to hear from the others also. I love watching God work in the hearts of people, especially young adults like all of you. :)

  2. love love love the updates! praying daily for you guys!

  3. I think being called a "band dude" is inevitable and something you may just have to accept... : )

    Love the updates too! Wish I was there. Praying for you daily as well.

